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       戴一凡  江苏省异种移植重点实验室主任           

        通讯地址:南京市汉中路140号 南京医科大学         



        电子邮箱: daiyifan@njmu.edu.cn                   




戴一凡,男,博士, 教育部长江学者讲座教授,2012年“江苏省科技创新团队”领军人才,2012年江苏省“五一劳动荣誉奖章”获得者。现任江苏省异种器官移植重点实验室主任,南京医科大学教授,天元学者,博士生导师。入选“省双创人才”、“紫金人才”、江宁区“千百十”计划,“中国抗衰老促进会再生医学专业委员会”副主任。1983年毕业于浙江医科大学医学系,获医学学士学位;1986年毕业于浙江医科大学病理生理系,获医学硕士学位;1989年毕业于复旦大学遗传所分子遗传学专业,获博士学位。1989-1991年复旦大学遗传所,讲师;1991-1995年美国加州Salk 研究所,博士后;1995-1998年美国Baxter Healthcare 研究员;1998-2004年Revivicor Inc.资深研究员,分子生物学实验室主任;2004-2008年美国匹兹堡大学医学院外科系Starzl 器官移植研究所副教授。研究成果分别发表在Science及Nature系列杂志,先后两次进入美国《Discover》杂志全球前100 名重大科学新闻(2002年,第36位;2006 年,第38位)。2002 年获得Fujisawa年轻科学家奖。



1. 建立转基因或基因敲除的克隆猪作为异种移植的供体。

2. 建立新型的转基因大动物作为人类疾病的大动物模型以及培育农业新品种。

3. omega-3脂肪酸在抑制多种人类代谢疾病和癌症上的作用。



1.  Dai Y, Roman M, Naviaux RK, Verma IM (1992) Gene therapy via primary myoblasts: long-term expression of factor IX protein following transplantation in vivo. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 89: 10892-10895

2.    Dai Y, Schwarz EM, Gu D, Zhang WW, Sarvetnick N, Verma IM (1995) Cellular and humoral immune responses to adenoviral vectors containing factor IX gene: tolerization of factor IX and vector antigens allows for long-term expression.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 92: 1401-1405

3.     Dai Y, Vaught TD, Boone J, Chen S-H, Phelps CJ, Ball S, Monahan JA, Jobst PM, McCreath KJ, Lamborn AE, Cowell-Lucero JL, Wells KD, Colman A, Polejaeva IA, Ayares DL (2002) Targeted disruption of the α1,3-galactosyltransferase gene in cloned pigs. Nat Biotech 20: 251-255

4.    Lai L, Kang JX, Li R, Wang J, Witt WT, Yong HY, Hao Y, Wax DM, Murphy CN, Rieke A, Samuel M, Linville ML, Korte SW, Evans RW, Starzl TE, Prather RS, Dai Y (2006) Generation of cloned transgenic pigs rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Nat Biotech 24: 435-436

5.     Lu Y, Nie D, Witt WT, Chen Q, Shen M, Xie H, Lai L, Dai Y, Zhang J (2008) Expression of the fat-1 gene diminishes prostate cancer growth in vivo through enhancing apoptosis and inhibiting GSK-3β phosphorylation. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics 7: 3203-3211

6.    Phelps CJ, Koike C, Vaught TD, Boone J, Wells KD, Chen S-H, Ball S, Specht SM, Polejaeva IA, Monahan JA, Jobst PM, Sharma SB, Lamborn AE, Garst AS, Moore M, Demetris AJ, Rudert WA, Bottino R, Bertera S, Trucco M, Starzl TE, Dai Y, Ayares DL (2003) Production of α1,3-Galactosyltransferase-Deficient Pigs. Science 299: 411-414

7.    Polejaeva IA, Chen S-H, Vaught TD, Page RL, Mullins J, Ball S, Dai Y, Boone J, Walker S, Ayares DL, Colman A, Campbell KHS (2000) Cloned pigs produced by nuclear transfer from adult somatic cells. Nature 407: 86-90

8     Wen ZH, Su YC, Lai PL, Zhang Y, Xu YF, Zhao A, Yao GY, Jia CH, Lin J, Xu S, Wang L, Wang XK, Liu AL, Jiang Y, Dai YF, Bai XC (2013) Critical role of arachidonic acid-activated mTOR signaling in breast carcinogenesis and angiogenesis. Oncogene 32: 160-1709

9.    Hara H*, Witt W, Crossley T, Long C, Isse K, Fan L, Phelps CJ. Ayares D. Copper DK, Dai Y*, Starzl TE (2013) Human dominant-negative class II transactivator transgenic pigs-effect on the human anti-pig t cell immune response and immune status. Immunology 140 : 39-46

10.  Chen Z, Zhang Y, Jia C, Wang Y, Lai P, Zhou X, Wang Y, Song Q, Lin Jun, Ren Z, Gao Q, Zhao Z, Zheng H, Wan Z, Gao T, Zhao A, Dai Y, Bai X. (2014) mTORC1/2 targeted by n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in the prevention of mammary tumorigenesis and tumor progression. Oncogene 33: 4548–4557  

11. Li Jie,* Li FH,* Wei D, Jia W, Kang JX, Racic MS, Dai YF, Zhao Z. (2014) Endogenous ω-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Production Confers Resistance to Obesity, Dyslipidemia, and Diabetes in Mice. Molecular Endocrinology 28: 1316–1328

12. Chen F, Wang Y, Yuan Y, Zhang W, Ren Z, Jin Y, Liu X, Xiong Q, Chen Q, Zhang M, Li X, Zhao L, Li Z, Wu Z, Zhang Y, Hu F, Huang J, Li R, Dai Y. (2015) Generation of B Cell-Deficient Pigs by Highly Efficient CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Gene Targeting. J Genet Genomics 42(8): 437-44.