地址:南京市江宁区龙眠大道101号 生物技术系
Email: caoxin@njmu.edu.cn
1.Chunyu Liu, Jun Yao, Qinjun Wei, Guangqian Xing*, Xin Cao*. Spatial and temporal expression patterns of Osbpl2a and Osbpl2b during zebrafish embryonic development. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 2016, 84:174-9.
2.Shuya Zhang, Jiehua Ma, Ziyi Fu, Zhilei Zhang, Jian Cao, Lei Huang, Wenqu Li, Pengfei Xu*, Xin Cao*. Promotion of breast cancer cells MDA-MB-231 invasion by di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate through matrix metalloproteinase-2/-9 overexpression. Environ Sci Pollut Res, 2016, 23(10):9742-9.
3.Guangqian Xing, Jun Yao, Bin Wu, Tingting Liu, Qinjun Wei, Cheng Liu, Yajie Lu, Zhibin Chen, Heng Zheng, Xiaonan Yang, Xin Cao*. Identification ofOSBPL2 as a novel causative gene of progressive nonsyndromic hearing loss by exome sequencing. Genetics in Medicine, 2015, 17(3):210-8.
4.Li-Yang MN, Shen XF, Wei QJ, Yao J, Lu YJ, Cao X, Xing GQ*. IVS8+1 DelG, a Novel Splice Site Mutation Causing DFNA5 Deafness in a Chinese Family. Chin Med J (Engl)., 2015;128(18):2510-5.
5.Yao J, Qian X, Bao J, Wei Q, Lu Y, Zheng H, Xing G*, Cao X*. Probing the effect of two heterozygous mutations in codon 723 of SLC26A4 on deafness phenotype based on molecular dynamics simulations. Sci Rep., 2015, 5: 10831.
6.Qian XL, Qin LY, Xing G, Cao X*. Phenotype Prediction of Pathogenic Nonsynonymous Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in WFS1. Sci Rep., 2015, 5:14731.
7.Lu YJ, Yao J, Wei Q, Xing G*, Cao X*. Diagnostic Value of SLC26A4 Mutation Status in Hereditary Hearing Loss With EVA: A PRISMA-Compliant Meta-Analysis. Medicine, 2015, 94(50): e2248.
8.Tan M, Shen X, Yao J, Wei Q, Lu Y, Cao X*, Xing G*. Identification of I411K, a novel missense EYA4 mutation causing autosomal dominant non‑syndromic hearing loss.Int J Mol Med., 2014, 34(6):1467-72.
9.Wei Q, Zhu H, Qian X, Chen Z, Yao J, Lu Y, Cao X*, Xing G*.Targeted genomic capture and massively parallel sequencing to identify novel variants causing Chinese hereditary hearing loss.J Transl Med., 2014, 12(1):311.
10.Lu Y, Yao J, Yu J, Wei Q, Cao X*. The association between abnormal microRNA -10b expression and cancer risk: a meta-analysis.Sci Rep.,2014, 4:7498.
11.Han XH, Fan Y, Wei QJ, Xing GQ, Cao X*. Understanding of the molecular evolution of deafness-associated pathogenic mutations of connexin 26.Genetica, 2014, 142(6):555-62.
12.Qinjun Wei, Youguo Liu, Shuai Wang, Tingting Liu, Yajie Lu, Guangqian Xing* and Xin Cao*. A novel compound heterozygous mutation in the GJB2 gene causing non-syndromic hearing loss in a family. International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 2014, 33: 310-316.
13.Qinjun Wei, Shuai Wang, Jun Yao, Yajie Lu, Zhibin Chen, Guangqian Xing*, Xin Cao*. Genetic mutations of GJB2 and mitochondrial 12S rRNA in nonsyndromic hearing loss in Jiangsu Province of China. J Translational Medicine, 2013, 11:163.
14.Jie Chen, Qinjun Wei, Jun Yao, Xiaoyun Qian, Yanhong Dai, Ye Yang, Xin Cao*, Xia Gao*. Identifi cation of two heterozygous deafness mutations inSLC26A4 (PDS) in a Chinese family with two siblings. International J Audiology, 2013, 52(2): 134-138.
15.Qinjun Wei, Dan Xu, Zhibin Chen, Haifeng Li, Yajie Lu, Cheng Liu, Xingkuan Bu, Guangqian Xing*, Xin Cao*. Maternally transmitted aminoglycoside-induced and non-syndromic hearing loss caused by the 1494C>T mutation in the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene in two Chinese families. International J Audiology, 2013, 52(2): 98-103.
16.Wei Q, He W, Yao J, Guo L, Lu Y, Cao X. Identification and characterization of microRNAs expressed in human breast cancer T-47D cells in response to prolactin treatment by Solexa deep-sequencing technology.Biochem Biophys Res Commun., 2013,432(3):480-7.
17.Jun Yao, Yajie Lu, Qinjun Wei, Xin Cao* and Guangqian Xing*. A systematic review and meta-analysis of 235delC mutation of GJB2 gene. Journal of Translational Medicine,2012,10:136
18.Cheng H, Chen Z, Wei Q, Lu Y, Xing G*, Cao X*. Single nucleotide polymorphisms and haplotypes analysis of DFNB1 locus in Chinese sporadic hearing impairment population. Chin Med J., 2009, 122(13): 1549-53.
19.Dai D, Lu Y, Chen Z, Wei Q, Cao X*, Xing G*. Co-segregation of the T1095C with the A1555G mutation of the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene in a patient with non-syndromic hearing loss. Biochem Biophyl Res Commun, 2008, 377(4): 1152-1155.